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gAgB gCgD gEgF gGgH gIgJ gKgL gMgN gOgP gQgR gSgT gUgV gWgX gYgZ

Trademark / Brand Name Class(es)
ONKAR group it division 9
OPEN EYE sharma group +eye 26, 31
ORBIT group 19, 37
OSWAL group +circle 27, 28
P group PLATINO +square 21
PADMANABH group +flower 37
PAILAN group 4
PAILAN group +squares 26
PAILAN group +stripes 32, 33
PAKALE DSP group +ovals 3
PAN india group +cross 16
PATHDARSHAK group tution 41
PEERLESS group +pot & hand 16
PG PADIPURAKKAL group +arro 35, 39
PGC palak group of companie 31
PLLATINUM group 37
POONAWALLA group 2, 3, 10, 11, 12, 13, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 28, 31, 36, 39, 40, 42
POONAWALLA group +horse 1, 2, 3, 4
PORWAL group +fan & circles 24
PRAFFUL group of industries 23
PRESTIGE group +bird 19
PRESTIGE group +bird circle 16
PRIYAL group 35
PROP LARITY group +arcs 41, 44
PTC group +arcs 36
PUMEJA'S group tutions 16
R RAMSINA group +plant oval 37
RADIANT group +arcs 42
RAISONI group vision beyond 41
RAJPUROHIT'S GM group +lamp 42
RAMANASHREE group +hut 19
RAPTI group +hut 16
RAS group +leaf 37
RAVI group 16
RAYZING group of technologi 41
RBCS group +globe 41
RDB group +oval & arrow 11, 12, 16, 19, 20, 25, 34, 35, 36, 37, 41, 42
RELIANCE agricultural group 42
RELIANCE mega group 42
RN group +square 16
RODEEP group +lamp & sun 17
ROHAN group 20
ROLAND digital group 7
ROUNAK art group 16
RPS group 36
RYAN group +wheel 16
S SHARDA kagzi group 23
S STALWART group +oval 20
S&A group +birds & squares 37
SABS group 25
SAGAR group +triangles 16
SAINR balarka group +tree 25
SANGHVI group +globe 19
SANJEEVANI group of company 14
SANPRA group create connect 35, 39
SAPPHIRE group +arrows 35, 36, 42
SAPPHIRE consulting group 35, 36, 42
SARE group 37
SATYA group +globe triangle 9
SAURER group 12
SCAD group 37
SEAM group +arcs 37
SENS group +flower 42
SHAH group +triangle circle 26, 31, 36, 38, 41, 42
SHAH group of companies 37
SHAHIL group 24
SHANKER group (LABEL) 19
SHARMA GUDAKHU sharma group 3, 34
SHASHWAT group 41, 42
SHAVO group +globe 16, 35
SHRENIK group 37
SHREYA group 36, 37
SHUKAN group +buildings 45
SI group +arcs & ovals 1
SIDDHIVINAYAK group +circle 19
SIDDHIVINAYAK group +dot 16
SIS group 9
SMART circle group +circles 35
SMC group 3
SMGK group 36
SMGK group +squares 13, 18, 35, 43
SN group +square 37
SP group SHIVAM +globe oval 34
SPAR group 42
SPS group +pentagons 8, 13, 17
SRISHTI group +oval 6, 8
STARWOOD capital group +sta 36
SUMANCHANDRA group +oval 37, 42
SUVIDHA group +tree & hut 37
SVARAN group 36
SVG shree venkteshwar group 24
SVG sv group 42
SVP group 37
SWCC group +circles 7, 9, 17
SYNERGY group +stripes 1
T.R.A. educational group 41
TAURING group 7, 37, 42
TDS group true success 35
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